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Vaccines for Dogs FAQ: The Following is just some information facts shared with us by Dr. Edwards, regarding Vaccinations for Canines DHPPC/HDLPPC 1. 3 year vaccines for Distemper/Parvo CANNOT protect dogs from Parvo mutations 2. 3 year or non vaccinations must be monitored by annual blood titers.- This titer must be done by a Veterinarian. PARVO 1. If vaccinated correctly by the right time and age in health animals will ensure they do not get the disease. 2. If you fail to vaccinate correctly its almost guaranteed the dog will contact Parvo from somewhere such as shelters, animal parks, etc. 3. Infection is not protective for future infections. 4. Should Start receiving at 6-8 weeks of age and get a Booster every three weeks or less past 16-18 weeks of age. Rabies 1. Vaccines for Rabies should be given between 12-20 weeks of age in Pima County 2. Vaccines for Rabies CAN NOT be given prior to 12 weeks- must be absolutely positive of minimum age. 3. In the State of Arizona the first Rabies vaccine is good for only 12 months. The second vaccine is good for 36 months. You do not start over, proof of vaccine is required for 3 year booster . Bordetella 1. Should be given at three to four months of age intranasal. 2. Only Booster every 6-12 months. 3. Does give cross protection to canine influenza. Leptospirosis Is NOT currently a core vaccination however certain RISK FATORS encourage you getting the Leptospirosis vaccine for your animal such as. 1. Any exposure to cattle, pasture drainage, wastes or stock tanks. 2. Any exposure to wildlife- camping etc. Raccoons are the highest risk. 3. Any exposure to human urine or urine contaminated environments. 4. Travel outside of Arizona.
Rattlesnake Vaccine 1. Can be very effective to help a animal who has been bit until the animal can get treatment 2. The animal MUST be older than 6 months of age to receive this vaccination. 3. Animals who do receive this vaccine need two vaccines to start with given one month apart. 4. Annual boosters are then needed prior to snake season (February or March). 5. If your animal experiences any swelling after the vaccine, give Chlorphenarimine for three days. 6. If the animal has been bitten by a Rattlesnake they have to wait 60 days from the bite before they can get the vaccine.
Corona 1. Corona is a core vaccine in Arizona and is needed at three to four months of age. 2. Is recommended with every booster. 3. Arizona Small Animal Clinic uses the DHPPC or DHLPPC which both include the corona vaccine.